Camperdown Chronicle (Vic. : 1877 – 1954), Tuesday 7 October 1919, page 4.

A very pleasant outing was spent at Jubilee Park by the Woollen Mill employees, at the kind
invitation of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bennett, to celebrate the return of their son, Lieut. Jack Bennett. About a dozen drays and motors conveyed the party to the Park, where games, tug-of-war and boat trips were indulged in, and greatly enjoyed. The camera played a great part in the afternoon’s enjoyment, snapshots being frequently taken. The party then sat down to a splendid repast, catered for by Mr. J. Anderson. In the absence of Mr. M.Saltau who was away from town, Mr P. J. McGennan heartily welcomed Lieut. Bennett, back, and congratulated him on his safe return. Lieut. Bennett, who was received with the singing of “He’s a Jolly Good Fellow” and cheers, suitably responded. Mr W. Pontefract, on behalf of the employees, moved a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bennett for their kindness in providing such an enjoyable outing, which was greatly appreciated by all. This was carried with acclamation and cheers. Mr. Bennett, in returning thanks, said the outing was arranged as the best means for enabling all the employees to meet his son at the same time, and he was pleased to know everybody had enjoyed themselves

Camperdown Chronicle (Vic. : 1877 – 1954), Tuesday 7 October 1919, page 4.